Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 2023 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

 Every 1st Monday of each new month, the members of the Fiddlers Green Park Association (FGPA) get together to discuss issues and ideas that might benefit the park. The group is made up a half dozen local residents with a passion for preserving an important community space. Our President, Matt Titus, called the meeting to order this past Monday at Community Library of Dewitt & Jamesville.

Discussions on many important Park topics were held. We are very excited to receive so many memberships applications and renewals last month, including some unexpected donations! Thank you!

Exciting plans are in works for Fiddlers Green! The biggest of which would certainly be the removal of two existing buildings on North Street in Jamesville, which would allow for a larger parking area with increased signage and potentially even bathrooms! This project is very large in scope and even larger in its impact on the accessibility and public awareness of the Park.

Plans to improve signage at our existing Kiosk are underway with notices to Park visitors on the topics of Trash Removal, Leashing Dogs, and Social Media connections. A Trail Map is coming soon!

November 2024 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association  On Monday, November 4, 2024, the Fiddlers Green Park Association gathered at Theresa Kelly’s...