Sunday, December 1, 2024

November 2024 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association 

On Monday, November 4, 2024, the Fiddlers Green Park Association gathered at Theresa Kelly’s home for their monthly meeting. Led by President Matt Titus, the meeting covered updates on ongoing projects, financials, and future plans aimed at maintaining and improving the park for the community. Here's a recap of the highlights:

Strengthening Community Support

Treasurer Theresa Kelly shared that the association's account holds a balance of $xx,xxx as of October 31, 2024, with contributions from 35 donors this year. However, donor numbers have declined compared to previous years, reflecting changes in the local population. To foster connections and show appreciation, Tammie Fallon is crafting a thank-you message that Theresa Kelly will send to donors, emphasizing the tax-deductible nature of their support.

Enhancing Park Facilities

Efforts to improve the park remain a priority.

  • Kiosk Improvements: An Eagle Scout project is in progress to construct a kiosk in the upper parking area, expected to be completed by spring 2025. Meanwhile, Matt is working to repair damage to the brick area of the lower lot kiosk.
  • Memorial Trail Signs and Benches: Plans are underway to replace missing or damaged trail markers, with a special memorial sign honoring Bob Hopkins Jr. being added. The group is also exploring more durable materials for a new memorial bench.

Celebrating Nature and Wildlife

The association is collaborating with the Town of DeWitt to enrich the park’s educational offerings. By the end of December, they aim to update kiosk displays with detailed information and photos of the birds and animals inhabiting the park. This initiative highlights the park's role as a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife alike.

Keeping the Park Beautiful

Recent clean-up efforts led by Jerry Aloi and the Town of DeWitt have ensured the trails are in excellent condition. Though currently in good shape, plans are in place to refresh the trails with stone dust or wood chips come spring.

Looking Ahead to Festivities

With the holiday season approaching, the association is exploring opportunities to participate in Jamesville’s festive events, such as the museum’s annual open house. Matt is also considering ways to incorporate leftover painted rocks from a previous event into upcoming celebrations.

Building on a Legacy

Though some projects remain without updates—such as the park logo and North Street property—the dedication of the Fiddlers Green Park Association is evident. Their efforts continue to build a park that serves as a cherished community space for current and future generations.

The next meeting will take place on December 2, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Theresa Kelly’s house. Community members are encouraged to attend and join in the work of preserving and enhancing this beloved local gem.

By investing time and energy into the park’s upkeep and development, the Fiddlers Green Park Association demonstrates how small actions can create a big impact, fostering a sense of pride and connection in the Jamesville community.

October 2024 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association


Fiddlers Green Park Association Meeting Recap – October 7, 2024

On an October evening, the Fiddlers Green Park Association gathered at the welcoming home of Theresa Kelly to discuss the latest developments in maintaining and enhancing our beloved park. Led by President Matt Titus, the meeting kicked off promptly at 7:00 P.M., with a dedicated group in attendance, including Kay Sharpe, Jim Sharpe, Kay Keough, Jerry Aloi, Mike Weiskotten, and our gracious host, Theresa.

Treasurer’s Report

The meeting began with a positive note from our Treasurer, who reported a healthy account balance of $xxxxx.xx as of September 30, 2024. With 34 friends of the park contributing, our community support continues to grow, paving the way for exciting projects ahead.

Old Business Updates

Kiosk Enhancements

One of the key topics was the park’s kiosk. Matt announced plans to send out an email to our friends featuring an order form for personalized bricks. Additionally, he will install plexiglass on the opposite side of the kiosk to display important park information for those leaving. Once that’s completed, Mike will add more signage encouraging visitors to become friends of the park and details about purchasing bricks.

In more exciting news, an Eagle Scout has expressed interest in creating a new kiosk and sprucing up the upper parking lot, with completion expected by February 2025.


Matt is in touch with Fast Signs regarding trail markers in memory of Bob Hopkins Jr. Each marker has a minimum order cost of $250, but bulk orders could reduce the price per marker. He’s also working to reconnect with Matt Schunck, who originally designed the trail markers as part of his Eagle project, to gather any remaining information about those signs.

Furthermore, there is interest in adding a new memorial bench. Matt and Jerry will scout the park for an ideal location and collaborate with the interested party.

Wildlife Kiosk

In collaboration with Kelly Smith from the Town of DeWitt, our association is working on a wildlife kiosk that will highlight the diverse animal life within the park. A list of wildlife species identified during the meeting will be compiled and shared soon.

Logo Design

Jerry updated us on the logo project. He spoke with Anthony Hyatt, an art teacher at Fabius-Pompey, who will review student designs from Marcellus and create a logo that incorporates these ideas. Jerry will keep us posted on this creative endeavor.

North Street Property Update

Jerry is still awaiting further information regarding a survey proposal for the North Street property and hopes to provide updates at the next meeting.

Park Clean-Up Initiatives

The need for maintenance was also discussed, including a large fallen tree blocking a major trail. Jerry will coordinate with Rocco and Gene from the Town of DeWitt to have it removed. There are also plans for potential Eagle Scout projects to create steps on the trails and to assess the need for additional stone dust or wood chips.

It was noted that several benches and tables require cleaning, as they’ve accumulated moss and debris.

Website Developments

In our efforts to enhance community engagement, Jerry shared that he knows a videographer who uses drones. He plans to connect this individual with Mike to create a captivating video showcasing our park and trails. Mike will also ensure that a PDF of our meeting minutes, minus financial details, is posted to the website after each meeting.

Next Steps

The meeting concluded with a reminder that our next gathering will be held on November 4, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. at Theresa Kelly’s house. We hope to see more friends of the park join us as we continue our work to maintain and enrich Fiddlers Green.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February 2024 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

 Fiddlers Green Park Association: Paving the Way for Progress

In a cozy gathering illuminated by camaraderie and community spirit, the Fiddlers Green Park Association convened on February 5, 2024, at Theresa Kelly's residence. Spearheaded by President Matt Titus, the meeting welcomed familiar faces including Mike Weiskotten, Kay Keough, Bev Miller, Tammie Fallon, Jerry Aloi, and Theresa Kelly. Amidst shared laughter and purposeful discussions, the agenda unfolded, shedding light on key initiatives and decisions shaping the park's future.

The Treasurer's Report served as a financial compass, revealing a steady account balance of xxxxxxx  as of January 31, 2024, alongside a steadfast membership count of 43 individuals. Delving into old business, the dialogue navigated towards memorial endeavors. Matt Titus, armed with visual aids, proposed the incorporation of gray bricks beneath the kiosk's display area, with Dover's enlisted for engraving at a reasonable rate. Jerry Aloi advocated for insights from the Town of DeWitt regarding similar projects.

Membership metamorphosis took center stage as the association voted unanimously to transition from "membership" to "friends of," accompanied by a streamlined donation structure. With changes resonating through brochures and websites, the essence of community support reverberated with renewed vigor. Progress echoed in discussions surrounding the North Street Property survey and website enhancements, where Mike Weiskotten's adeptness in web management showcased promise.

As the evening unfolded, plans for Memorial Day Parade participation and collaborative ventures with local artisans underscored the association's commitment to honoring traditions while embracing innovation. Theresa Kelly's diligent pursuit of financial avenues and Matt Titus's proactive engagement with sculptor Mark Teece signaled an ethos of proactive stewardship.

Looking ahead, the association's calendar brims with promise, from membership letter dissemination to park clean-up initiatives and trail refurbishments. With unwavering resolve, the Fiddlers Green Park Association marches forward, bridging past legacies with future aspirations. As the evening drew to a close, anticipation mounted for the forthcoming rendezvous on March 4, 2024, promising another chapter in the collective journey towards park revitalization and community cohesion.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

January 2024 Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association


Fiddlers Green Park Association Meeting Highlights: January 8, 2024

In a quaint gathering at Theresa Kelly's residence on January 8, 2024, the Fiddlers Green Park Association convened under the direction of President Matt Titus. The meeting brought together the dedicated members, including Mike Weiskotten, Kay Sharpe, Jim Sharpe, Jerry Aloi, and Theresa Kelly. 

One of the pivotal aspects tackled was the Treasurer's Report, revealing a healthy account balance as of December 31, 2023, with a membership count of 43 individuals. Moving on to business, the conversation delved into the intricate details of memorials. The proposal to install engraved bricks as part of the current kiosk triggered a comprehensive discussion. Mike Weiskotten presented findings on potential fundraisers, suggesting the need to set a campaign deadline, while President Matt Titus explored avenues for engraving with local company Dover. Plans were outlined, including a promotional piece draft and considerations for logo change, campaign wording, and management of messages on the bricks.

Membership considerations were also revisited, contemplating a shift from "membership" to "friends of" to align with potential charity donations. The ongoing efforts regarding the North Street Property Survey were reported, highlighting communication with Town of Dewitt officials. The park's future, encompassing clean-up, trail repairs, and potential additions like park sponsored events, formed part of the agenda. The recently launched website garnered appreciation, with suggested enhancements and a review deadline set for January 19, 2024.

The meeting touched on diverse aspects, from tax filings to the placement of stones around the park and the exploration of better interest rates for association funds. Plans for the next meeting on February 5, 2024, were outlined, featuring discussions on membership letters, logo changes, website updates, and preparations for Memorial Day. The collaborative efforts of the Fiddlers Green Park Association exemplify a commitment to the community, ensuring the park remains a cherished space for all.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 2023 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association


Fiddlers Green Park Association Meeting Highlights: November 6, 2023

On Monday, November 6, 2023, the Fiddlers Green Park Association convened for their monthly meeting at the DeWitt Jamesville Community Library. President Matt Titus presided over the gathering, joined by Mike Weiskotten, Kay Sharpe, Kay Keough, Bev Miller, and Theresa Kelly.

In the realm of old business, a decision was made to shift the membership period from April to March, with unanimous approval from those present. Plans for the North Street property included a survey to identify boundaries, fostering a clearer understanding of the park's expanse. A notable discussion centered around memorials, with Matt Titus proposing the creation of a brick wall under the kiosk to commemorate significant contributions. Mike Weiskotten volunteered to draft a promotional piece for the project, set to commence in spring 2024.

Concerns regarding park cleanup and trail maintenance were also addressed. The fallen tree on the trail remained uncleared, prompting a decision to delay repairs and cleanup until spring 2024. Matt Titus shared updates on reaching out to the Boy Scouts for information on trail signs created during Matt Schunk's project.

The meeting delved into community collaboration, with plans to support the Jamesville Community Museum's "lighting up Jamesville" event on December 2. Matt Titus proposed leaving last year's stones in the museum and contributing historical information about the park for future newsletters.

A pivotal discussion surrounded the association's online presence. Mike Weiskotten presented options for updating the website, suggesting a designer from "Fiverr" to create a user-friendly WordPress site. The proposed site aimed to streamline membership processes, facilitate donations, and include an online store for FGP merchandise. The attendees agreed to review the current website and provide feedback by the end of the week.

Looking ahead, the next meeting, scheduled for January 8, 2024, will focus on further discussions about the membership letter and updates to the website. The Fiddlers Green Park Association remains dedicated to enhancing the park experience for members and the broader community.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 2023 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

 Every 1st Monday of each new month, the members of the Fiddlers Green Park Association (FGPA) get together to discuss issues and ideas that might benefit the park. The group is made up a half dozen local residents with a passion for preserving an important community space. Our President, Matt Titus, called the meeting to order this past Monday at Community Library of Dewitt & Jamesville.

Discussions on many important Park topics were held. We are very excited to receive so many memberships applications and renewals last month, including some unexpected donations! Thank you!

Exciting plans are in works for Fiddlers Green! The biggest of which would certainly be the removal of two existing buildings on North Street in Jamesville, which would allow for a larger parking area with increased signage and potentially even bathrooms! This project is very large in scope and even larger in its impact on the accessibility and public awareness of the Park.

Plans to improve signage at our existing Kiosk are underway with notices to Park visitors on the topics of Trash Removal, Leashing Dogs, and Social Media connections. A Trail Map is coming soon!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 2023 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

 Every 1st Monday of each new month, the members of the Fiddlers Green Park Association (FGPA) get together to discuss issues and ideas that might benefit the park. The group is made up a half dozen local residents with a passion for preserving an important community space. Our President, Matt Titus, called the meeting to order this past Monday at Community Library of Dewitt & Jamesville

Discussed at length was the idea of placing a Statue at the entrance to the park. Something that will pay respect to the history of the area, and celebrate the future. We listened to a presentation by Mark Teece, The British Blacksmith ; Stay tuned for an update later this year!

Park Membership is a big source of funding for the FGPA. If you would like to become either a Family or Individual Member of Fiddler Green Park, you can easily go to our Park Website and click the tab that says 'Join Us'. We have memberships ranging from $10 - $50 per year depending on classification. You can also email us at Or reach out with a Direct Message on either our Facebook Page or Instagram.

Updates to our Kiosk are on the way! We plan to include better communication about park policies and even a Park Trails map!! 

That's all for now! Be sure to always Take Out what you Take In and please keep those dogs on a leash. We all need to remember that Fiddlers Green is for everyone to enjoy so let's all do what's right to keep our Park clean and safe!

-Mike, FGPA

November 2024 - Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association

Meeting of the Fiddlers Green Park Association  On Monday, November 4, 2024, the Fiddlers Green Park Association gathered at Theresa Kelly’s...